Exclusive BroadbandFabric Data Offering from CostQuest to NTCA Members

As part of a new collaboration between NTCA-The Rural Broadband Association and CostQuest Associates, CostQuest will make its enhanced BroadbandFabric Data Suites available to NTCA members at exclusive member pricing.
CostQuest's commercial datasets provide critical insights by linking network cost, competition, service availability, and demographic data to point-level location data, assisting companies in broadband decision-making.
NTCA members will receive a 10% discount off list pricing for the Fabric location and additional data layers concerning network costs, demographics, and competition.
A Deep Dive into CostQuest's BroadbandFabric Data Suites webinar is scheduled for October 30, 2024, to elaborate on the new offerings for NTCA members.
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