Research from Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), Germany's largest health insurance fund, showed workers missed an average of 19.4 days of work due to illness in 2023, a record high.
The German Association of Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies (VFA) says that without the above-average number of sick days, Germany's economy would have expanded by 0.5% in 2023 rather than declining by 0.3%.
These findings haven't been lost on Germany's employers, who don't sound convinced that their employees are genuinely ill. One unnamed blue-chip manufacturing executive that there was 'a complete unwillingness' among workers to understand the sacrifices needed to help the country's economy prosper.
Employers have lamented a record-breaking year for absences linked to illness, stating that millions of Germans are calling in sick at a rate nearly four times seen in the U.K.