A review of the same agency loan-level data by mortgage-analytics firm Recursion shows that Freddie Mac's repurchase-loan count, as of Q1 2022, was about 2,500 loans, compared to about 1,500 for Fannie Mae. Yet, as of Q4 2021, each agency had repurchased about 1,000 loans, indicating a rapid change in the loan-repurchase landscape.
Fannie Mae's repurchase requests decreased by 42% in dollar amount from the 12-month period ending May 31, 2022, to the same period in 2023. However, the loan-repurchase request rate increased from 0.32% to 0.51% based on loans delivered during these periods. Additionally, Fannie's loan deliveries dropped significantly from nearly $1.1 trillion to $381 billion between these time frames.