Go Pink! Local orgs hang pink ribbons for Breast Cancer Awareness Month in Cypress Hills * Brooklyn Paper

"This project will bring our community together in solidarity with all survivors and warriors of breast cancer and create even stronger relationships in our neighborhood," Regnier said. He highlighted the importance of unity in the community during Breast Cancer Awareness Month and how tangible efforts like the ribbon-tying are meant to foster deeper connections among residents. This act of solidarity serves as a reminder of the collective strength against cancer.
"Breast cancer is the second most common form of cancer in women and men in the United States," said Renee Regnier, emphasizing the seriousness of the disease as they anticipate a significant amount of new diagnoses in New York for the coming year. Her statement underlines the continual need for awareness, screening, and community support in the fight against this prevalent disease.
Brooklyn showed up loud and proud for the event, with civic pioneers like Council Member Sandy Nurse, Deputy Borough President Kim Council, and representatives from the office of state Sen. Roxanne Persuad. The strong presence of local officials at the event illustrates a unified front in support of breast cancer awareness, highlighting the community's commitment to address health concerns and uplift those affected.
The ribbon-tying crusade is a precursor to the annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk, which will be hosted in Brooklyn on Oct. 27. The event serves not only as a fundraiser but also as a platform to gather the community in a show of support for breast cancer patients and survivors on their journey.
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