EPA Plan to Tackle The Gowanus Stench Has Brooklyn Residents Wary, But Hopeful

"The EPA and DEP knew right from the beginning how polluted with coal tar the site was," Gowanus resident Katia Kelly told BK Reader. "Yet, neither agency took measures to protect the community."
DEP representatives at a virtual community meeting on Tuesday said the agency would implement new odor-reducing measures including spraying the excavated soil with a non-toxic odor-blocking shell, tarping exposed soil overnight and installing a vapor vacuum over active excavation sites to capture and treat vapors.
"The EPA is very clear about what our expectations are with regard to the DEP's interactions with the community, not only in terms of the extended air monitoring but the reporting," said EPA Community Involvement Coordinator Natalie Loney. "There were adjustments made in both the EPA and DEP's approach to the second phase of work, particularly taking into consideration the concerns that were raised."
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