Beacon Hill Broker On Painkillers Boston Condos For Sale Ford Realty

I'm on a new painkiller that I picked up at the Beacon Hill CVS on Charles Street. It is to alleviate the discomfort of nerves on my left side of my body. My doctor said that the medication is connected to an incident that happened to me a while back.
I now have the disconcerting habit of starting conversations without segues which seems to confuse people who read my Boston Real Estate Blog. I have the same problem with jokes which are not funny, upsetting people.
This morning I started to write Boston condo for sale blog post and to my horror the words on my laptop were so jumbled that autocorrection couldn't sort them out. My tingle pain on my left side has eased a bit but my brain is confused.
Read at Boston Condos For Sale Ford Realty