Red Sox Prospect Looks Back On Award-Winning Breakout In Disbelief

"It was definitely more than I expected coming into the season because I've never really hit home runs before in the past." Campbell said. "I feel like a couple during the season, but if you asked me before the season if I would've hit 20 home runs I would've been like, 'No, no way I would've done that.' The work I put in and stuff and the work that the team has for me, I really work on every day (and) it gets me prepared so I'm not really surprised. It's just all the work that I've put it definitely shows for sure."
"I've played everywhere pretty well. I played middle infield, centerfield, I can play the corners too, and a little bit of third base. I feel pretty comfortable everywhere on the field. ... I feel really comfortable at second base."
The end-of-season honors didn't end with MiLB Player of the Year for Campbell as the rising up-and-comer was also named the Eastern League MVP. Campbell's power, although unexpected in the eyes of Boston's fourth-round selection from 2023, carried its way from Greenville -- where he went deep eight times in 40 games -- to Worcester -- where Campbell finished 2024 crushing four round-trippers in 19 appearances.
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