A Near-Perfect Norman Jaffe House in Bridgehampton

Norman Jaffe established a unique architectural practice in Bridgehampton by creating unconventional homes suited for distinctive New Yorkers like sportscaster Jack Whitaker. Whitaker sought a beach house that eschewed traditional designs, opting for Jaffe's chunky, geometric forms that harmonized with natural landscapes. The designed home features a welcoming great room, honey-colored wood, and intimate spaces without long hallways. The design emphasizes warmth while avoiding the sterility of modernism, embodying Whitaker's philosophy of life's fleeting warmth through his affectionately named Sparrow Hall.
"Jaffe's homes felt like hideaways, giving clients 'warmth and intimacy, not full exposure and laboratory-style living of hard-edged modernism,' wrote critic Alastair Gordon."
"It's the story of life," Whitaker told the Southampton Press. It may also have been the story of the house - a cozy retreat with unique charm.
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