In a unique session broadcasted directly from a hotel room, the author reflects on his experiences at a recent conference. He emphasizes sharing valuable insights and lessons learned, particularly on topics surrounding bootstrapping and audience-building. As a seasoned entrepreneur and founder of The Bootstrapped Founder, he aims to provide his readers with actionable knowledge gained from attending this event. The article encapsulates the essence of building in public and highlights the significance of continuous learning in entrepreneurship.
In one of my rare directly-from-the-hotel-room-to-you episodes, I'll dive right into the many wonderful experiences of this uniquely amazing conference, and I'll share my biggest learnings with you right here.
I write about bootstrapping, audience-building, and building in public at The Bootstrapped Founder. Formerly FeedbackPanda (exit/2019) Wrote Zero to Sold, The Embedded Entrepreneur, and made Find your Following.