I make many autobiographical drawings per day. I had drawings about being pregnant and planning for a baby and having a baby and raising a baby, so I pitched this book as a way to make narrative sense of my experiences. I started work on it when my son was just three months old and the shape of the book changed as I kept working on it. The final version has two parts: little flashes that I documented in the moment and a narrative that I built around those drawings later on. This book isn't a comic; it's a narrative with pictures.
I struck a note between parody and memoir. It's a parody of books on how to parent an infant-older books that told you it was going to be beautiful and easy and didn't mention anything difficult. I found them hilarious. Parenthood isn't something that you need to trick people into, and those books felt ripe for making fun of. I'm also parodying the books that say parenthood is a horrible, difficult slog.