"They won't believe you," her mind's voice tells her after she sees a figure reclining in a rocking chair on the porch of her new home that should be empty; it disappears within seconds. Her mind's voice is right, we swiftly learn, and so Jessica smiles and acts normally. She remains silent and amenable, for a while.
When Jessica's father died, she began seeing people who were not there. To have the best chance at a new life, Duncan decided to move his fragile wife to the countryside, investing his life's savings in the farm. The film begins with the couple and Woody driving to the farmhouse.
For the most part, she stays silent in front of Duncan, but not for us. This film's gift is that Hancock allows us to hear Jessica's thoughts. When she finally does voice her concerns, tells Duncan that she has been seeing the strange girl roaming their farmland, even a dead man, he, as expected, does not believe her.