Where the hell are the parents of these deluded Columbia students chanting about attacking Jews?

It costs around $90,000 a year to attend Columbia University... they're not getting any subsidized grant, their parents are stumping up a total of $360,000... Add in other expenses like travel, and Mommy and Daddy won't be getting much change out of $400,000.
Instead, it's become a disgraceful hotbed of toxic terrorism-supporting insanity and its lunatic students have now literally taken over the asylum... the increasingly disturbing situation on Columbia's campus exploded last night in shocking and shameful scenes as a violent mob broke into one of the university's historic buildings, then brandished a banner with the word 'INTIFADA!'
Where the hell are their parents? How could anyone be happy or proud of their child abandoning their hugely expensive tuition to be part of a self-styled intifada against Jews?
Where will they find $400,000 a year to pay for their brainwashed kids to go on a selfish rampage of terrorism-supporting anti-Semitism instead of getting a great education that might help them succeed in the real world?
Read at New York Post