Threats and Opportunities: Are Social Movements Ready for Black Women in Power? - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

I felt surprised, and also disappointed. Yet I understood the disproportionate weight my opinions now held as the CEO of a foundation. My institutional and positional power meant my voice would have an outsized impact on the group and disrupt the meeting dynamics.
People I had door-knocked with and planned community events with were now people with whom I was no longer able to freely engage out of fear of misusing the power of my leadership.
Stepping into my leadership role as the CEO of Kataly was the first time I had experienced positional and institutional power from the other side—and being in this position was disorienting at first.
It took time to adjust to the power that I now hold and the immense responsibility that comes with that power: to create a supportive and healthy work environment for our staff, to fulfill our mission in service of our grantees, to work with my colleagues in philanthropy effectively, and so much.
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