The article discusses the recent Israeli attacks in Gaza, which resulted in significant civilian casualties, particularly among women and children. It highlights the troubling political environment, exemplified by Prime Minister Netanyahu's alliance with ultranationalist figures who advocate for drastic measures against Gazans. The piece critiques the moral implications of these actions, contrasting them with Jewish ethical principles related to saving lives and emphasizing the need for a new discourse for Israelis to reconsider their approach toward Palestinians, as underscored by Judith Butler's insights.
Given the degree to which the Israeli state formation has made clear its disregard for the worth of Palestinian lives, it was not surprising to me this month when Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed former National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir back into the government.
Butler responded, 'I am not sure that a humanistic appeal to Israeli Jews will do the trick, for the roots of the problem are in a state formation that depended on expulsions and land theft to establish its own 'legitimacy.''