27 Things That Are Seen As Normal In Movies Or TV But Would Be Very Bizarre In Real Life

The BuzzFeed Community explored common tropes in movies and TV that would seem bizarre in reality. Examples include characters being fired with an impossibly small box of belongings, magically finding parking spots, and the odd seating arrangements seen in shows. Other unrealistic scenarios include characters misunderstanding conversations due to selective eavesdropping, and fights being resolved with a simple introduction. Responses illustrate how certain scripted moments, while entertaining on screen, feel awkward when compared to real-life interactions.
When people get fired from their job, they always pack up their desk with one little brown filing box with a few items and a plant sticking out the top.
How do people always find parking right in front of their apartment/restaurant/office without having to drive a dozen times around the block?
Everyone sits on one or two sides of the table, leaving one side completely open.
When two characters have a fight and then say, 'Can we start over?' and pretend to meet for the first time.
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