Council tells staff to find funds for continued use of Marshalling Yard - Austin Monitor

Council Member Alison Alter expressed her concerns regarding the need for large expenditures for the homeless shelter so soon after the city budget was approved. She emphasized the importance of organizing work sessions to explore all available options for funding and managing services for the unhoused. Alter noted the urgency of finding solutions as the current budget only allocates $500,000 to maintain the Marshalling Yard until March.
Supporters of the Marshalling Yard shelter stressed to the Council the necessity of keeping the facility operational, highlighting that despite previous increases to the budget aimed at supporting the homeless population, a suitable replacement for the Marshalling Yard had yet to be identified. They noted that the imminent closure of the shelter puts those currently sheltered at risk, emphasizing the need for continued shelter access.
The resolution approved by the Council is crucial, as it directs City Manager T.C. Broadnax to find alternative funding for the Marshalling Yard and seeks to establish a sustainable funding model to keep the interim operations running. The urgency of this task is compounded by the fact that the Homeless Strategy Office has begun to reduce new shelter intakes, which could negatively impact efforts to assist individuals living in unsafe or unstable conditions.
Mayor Kirk Watson's resolution recognizes the severity of homelessness in Austin and the necessity for immediate action to ensure that the approximately 260 individuals currently sheltered at the Marshalling Yard are not left without essential services. The resolution also calls for exploring new locations that can offer similar benefits, indicating that the Council is committed to addressing the homelessness crisis effectively and sustainably.
Read at Austin Monitor