"The meter seemed looser than I thought it should be," Palma said in an interview. "So I went back." This reflects his commitment to faithfully capturing Dante's original structure in the new translation.
"And many of them are quite fine," said Palma. "But I think without reproducing the rhymes, you're certainly losing a lot of the sound value. You're losing the music of the poem." This highlights his belief in the importance of maintaining rhyme in translations.
"And perhaps this will sound a bit, you know, anal, but just from a purely literal point of view, you're not showing the reader what Dante actually did in his poem," he said. This underscores Palma's perspective on fidelity to the original text.
"Translation is a form of autobiography," Palma states, suggesting that each translation brings in the translator's unique voice and interpretation, enriching the text for new audiences.