Review of Ho Tzu Nyen | Berlin Art Link

Ho Tzu Nyen's exhibition at Mudam Luxembourg showcases his innovative video art where algorithmically composed sequences create unique experiences for each viewer. Works like 'T for Time' feature endless reconfiguration of images and sound, keeping viewers engaged. The two-channel projection presents 42 sequences that change with every activation, exploring the concept of time through visual and auditory methods. Coupled with 'T for Time: Timepieces' on LED screens, the exhibition invites reflection on both the passage of time and the medium of video art itself.
"Ho's video works had kept me hooked for that long. It was the intricate layering of Ho's work-dense, hypnotic, impossible to absorb in a single pass."
"The algorithm scrambles its order with every activation, ensuring the work never plays the same way twice, assembling a constantly shifting constellation of reflections on time."
Read at Berlin Art Link