Juxtapoz Magazine - Jamie Reid: Eternal Ecstasy @ John Marchant Gallery, Brighton

The John Marchant Gallery showcases previously unseen works by Jamie Reid, a key figure in Punk culture. Featuring paintings and text works informed by his interest in color theory and spiritual healing, Reid's art challenges traditional presentation styles. His philosophy centered on using color as a means of expression and improvement in various societal sectors. The exhibition, representing a range of Reid's thoughts on universal and political issues, displays paintings unframed and nailed to the walls, alongside text works he developed from 2017 to 2023.
Reid's works connect deeply with spiritual and healing themes, aiming to serve as a 'spiritual elevator,' reflecting his understanding of color theory and well-being.
Through semi-automatic writing, Reid explored topics like Universalism and colonialism, indicating that his creative journey transcends traditional art and delves into broader societal themes.
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