Ellen Wyoming DeLoy recounts a life-changing experience from her graduate school days when a train conductor's vigilance kept her safe from a suspected pursuer. After exiting the train late at night, Wyoming DeLoy heard a persistent ringing, drawing her attention back to the conductor, who seemed urgently concerned. Simultaneously, she noticed a man following her, who quickly turned and fled upon realizing she was being noticed. Grateful for the conductor's quick thinking, Wyoming DeLoy reflects on the impact of this act of kindness, which made her feel secure and valued within her community.
I just remembered thinking, what a gift. What a gift to have had this person pause just long enough to notice that this didn't look quite right. I've always thought about that train conductor and how, one evening, he helped save a passenger, someone in his community.
I don't know what would have happened that night if the train driver hadn't caught my attention. But somebody was pursuing me for whatever, probably not good intention.