Despite his death in 2012, American painter Thomas Kinkade's brand remains significant today, with ongoing sales and cultural relevance. His original art shop in Carmel, California, and collaborations like the Disney calendar showcase his enduring legacy, though it contrasts with his peak in the early 2000s. Miranda Yousef’s documentary, Art for Everybody, explores Kinkade’s life from multiple dimensions, depicting his rise and decline, while navigating broader questions about art, commercialization, and taste in culture. The film aims to understand the complexity behind Kinkade's persona and impact.
The veteran film editor Miranda Yousef's first feature, Art for Everybody, attempts to document Kinkade's startling rise to fame and ultimate fall, examining the artist from as many angles as possible.
Yousef was drawn to Kinkade's story for being what she termed a modern-day Greek tragedy as well as for how it engaged numerous questions vital to the tastemaking cultural battlefields.