You might want to have your next job interview in the morning

Specific interviewers have a consistent tendency to be harsher or more lenient in their scores depending on the time of day. It's possible that in the morning, interviewers haven't yet been beaten down by back-to-back meetings - or are perhaps still enjoying their own first coffee.
Danoch and her team noticed the morning-afternoon discrepancy while reviewing datasets on thousands of job interviews. The data reflected those who've done at least 20 interviews using the company's system. Danoch said that in her company's review of candidates' scores, those interviewed in the morning often get statistically significant higher marks.
The good news, she said, is that when interviewers are made aware that they might be more harsh in the afternoon, they often take steps to counteract this bias.
AI tools could reduce bias, offering fairer assessments than manual methods, which may suffer from such time-of-day influences in hiring decisions.
Read at Business Insider