Law enforcement agencies globally are implementing AI-powered traffic cameras to tackle distracted driving, a critical safety concern. Acusensus’s "Heads Up" cameras capture images of vehicles and their drivers, analyzing them for violations such as phone use or seat belt non-wearing. This technology allows officers to review flagged incidents before issuing tickets. In the U.S., states like Minnesota have seen significant enforcement results, with expectations for increased detections of distracted driving, highlighting the growing trend of AI integration in traffic law enforcement.
"Heads Up" cameras from Australia-based Acusensus take a picture of every driver that passes by - both the license plate and the front seat. They analyze the photos to check for violations.
In Minnesota, one of the first locations in the US to adopt the technology, more than 100 people have been ticketed since the beginning of February. A patrol sergeant expects the cameras will detect tens of thousands of distracted drivers.