I'm looking kids in the face and telling them to look up sources for a group project, and there's nothing happening, and these kids are the magnet, high scholastic students. They don't understand why they can't just use the Google AI results. They have been failed. I, a health/personal fitness teacher, am out here teaching them how to find legitimate sources and trustworthy information online.
I'm a high school English teacher, and we're struggling to find our way. Our students still need to learn critical thinking skills, and AI offers them quick-response yet vapid answers. When students use it, it completely undermines the work of the students who don't, and as a result, we have to go backward and get them to hand-write everything in timed conditions. This isn't ideal as it then doesn't help those who find that so hard.
High school art teacher here. My students were surprisingly against it, as they felt art jobs were going to be replaced by AI. In fact, it's the opposite. AI is just another art medium (similar to the camera, digital art, graphic design, etc). Generated images can contribute to student brainstorming and creativity as long as students are aware that they serve simply as inspiration.