"It just outperforms people," tattooer Ziggy Tramdaks told the Wall Street Journal. "AI will take over this industry whether we want it to or not."
"It's like doing sports on steroids," he added. The meteoric rise in popularity of AI language learning models like ChatGPT has made graphic design work feasible for anyone, even those who aren't considered tech-savvy.
Kaarina Vuorinen, a 30-year-old dental nurse from Helsinki, Finland, recalled that five hours into getting her lower leg tattoo, her artist confessed the design was AI-driven. "He was kind of proud," she told WSJ. "I was like, in shock. I was so disappointed."
Tattoo artist Matthew Hatch recalled one patron asking for an AI galaxy design that likely would come out looking like a gigantic bruise. "There are limitations on what is possible," he said.