Oslo's Vind AI raises 3M: Co-founder and CEO Helene Bhler discusses disrupting wind project planning and design using AI - Silicon Canals

"Our overall goal is to establish Vind AI as the industry standard for wind project design as quickly as possible. To achieve this, our immediate focus is on securing partnerships with all the industry giants," says Helene Bøhler, Co-founder and CEO at Vind AI to Silicon Canals.
"The idea for Vind AI was born from the expertise and experience of one of our co-founders, Jan-Tore, who holds a PhD in the design of offshore wind turbines. Having worked closely with the wind energy sector, he realised that the industry lacked modern, integrated tools that could streamline its complex processes," explains Bøhler.
"The challenge was that many aspects of wind farm design were siloed—teams working on turbine placement, cabling, and other infrastructure often used separate, incompatible systems. Our goal was to bring these elements together into a single, cohesive platform," she continues.
"We hypothesised that applying our experience in modern design software to the offshore wind industry could revolutionise how wind projects are developed. Vind AI was created to disrupt the conventional, compartmentalised approach by allowing us to integrate various elements into a unified tool."
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