EU reaches provisional agreement on AI Act, paving way for landmark law

According to the press release, negotiators established obligations for "high-impact" general-purpose AI (GPAI) systems that meet certain benchmarks, like risk assessments, adversarial testing, incident reports, and more. It also mandates transparency by those systems that include creating technical documents and "detailed summaries about the content used for training" - something companies like ChatGPT maker OpenAI have refused to do so far.
There are a number of applications where the use of AI is banned, like scraping facial images from CCTV footage, categorization based on "sensitive characteristics" like race, sexual orientation, religion, or political beliefs, emotion recognition at work or school, or the creation of "social scoring" systems. The last two banned bullet points are AI systems that "manipulate human behavior to circumvent their free will" or "exploit the vulnerabilities of people." The rules also include a list of safeguards and exemptions for law enforcement use of biometric syste
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