"It's not really the capacity of the technology [that's bad], it's the way flawed, dumb, evil people choose to wield it." Xanthe Dobbie points out that the ethical issue lies not in the technology itself, but in its application by individuals who may not have noble intentions, highlighting the importance of responsible usage and regulation.
"There’s all of this ethical grey area because the legal systems are not able to catch up with anywhere near the same speed at which we’re proliferating the technology itself." Dobbie emphasizes the critical gap between rapid technological advancement and the law, raising concerns about the implications for society and the ethical challenges posed.
"We see these celebrity replicas happening all the time, but our own data us, the small people of the world is being harvested at exactly the same rate." Dobbie draws attention to the disparity between the treatment of public figures versus everyday individuals in terms of data privacy and usage rights, prompting a dialogue on the implications of this technological trend.