During the 2025 Oscars, Conan O'Brien opened the ceremony by commenting on the rising influence of AI in Hollywood, referencing the debate around the film "The Brutalist," which utilized AI technology that led to public scrutiny. The film, which won multiple Oscars, faced backlash due to its use of AI in dialogue editing. Director Brady Corbet defended the AI's role in the film, stating it was used for minor accuracy adjustments, while wider discussions about AI's implications on job displacement in the film industry continue to unfold, influencing industry guilds amidst ongoing strikes.
“We did not use AI to make this show,” O'Brien said, reflecting the growing debate around AI's role in Hollywood, especially seen in films like "The Brutalist."
Brady Corbet, the director, clarified that AI was not used to enhance performances but strictly to "refine certain vowels and letters for accuracy,” addressing backlash against the film.”