CMA clears Microsoft and Inflection AI transaction | Computer Weekly

"Inflection AI is not a strong competitor to the consumer chatbots that Microsoft has developed directly (Copilot) and in partnership with OpenAI (ChatGPT). On this basis, we cleared the transaction," Joel Bamforth, executive director of mergers at the CMA, wrote in a LinkedIn post. This statement highlights the CMA's assessment that the merger does not pose competition concerns as Inflection AI is unlikely to impact Microsoft's AI offerings significantly.
"Given the complex and opaque nature of some of these deals, we said in April that we'd monitor them closely and take a more detailed look at ones which could potentially fall under UK merger law - and if so, whether they might have a harmful anti-competitive effect on UK consumers and businesses," he added. Bamforth's remarks emphasize the CMA’s proactive stance in overseeing major tech partnerships to safeguard market competition.
Discussing the Phase 1 investigation, which has cleared Microsoft and Inflection AI, Bamforth said: "In my view, this is really what the CMA's Phase 1 process is for - a route to gather and properly assess all the documentation submitted by the companies regarding the deal, as well as feedback from those with knowledge of the market (like consumer groups, policy organisations, and other businesses)." This analysis illustrates the thoroughness of the CMA's investigation to ensure that market dynamics remain healthy.
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