5 Cybersecurity trends in 2024

It's been about a year since the first nation state attack, executed by North Korea, in the open-source ecosystem. This method of software supply chain attacks are particularly effective at meeting their goals of bypassing sanctions. We expect to not only see more bad behavior from North Korea, but other nations start to initiate more attacks from the open-source ecosystem as well.
DataDome's 2024 Global Bot Security Report found nearly two in three businesses were completely unprotected against basic bots. The most successful basic bots were the fake Chrome bots, with only 15.82% detected - leaving businesses at risk for layer 7 DDoS attacks, account takeover fraud and other automated threats.
Legacy networking and security architectures optimized for point-to-point connectivity are not able to cope with the highly dynamic and distributed nature of users and applications. With hybrid work firmly established as the new norm, networks are only getting more and more highly distributed.
Traditional point solutions aren't sufficient for running and protecting their networks. They're also suffering from an increasing resource and skills gap in both areas that's exacerbating the issue.
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