Tim Cook reveals morning ritual that has led to his success at Apple

Tim Cook emphasizes the importance of the early morning hours, stating, "It's the part of the day that I can control the most... I love the part of the day that I can kind of block out the world and focus on a few critical things and just be silent for a while." This ritual allows him to prepare for the unpredictability of the day ahead.
Cook highlights his engagement with emails, mentioning, "I get an extraordinary amount of outreach from customers... maybe they're telling me a story of how the Apple Watch saved their life." He reflects on the profound impact of Apple technology on users' lives, demonstrating his commitment to customer communication.
Despite responding to a barrage of emails each morning, Cook admits, "In total, the CEO says he receives up to 600 emails a day!" This illustrates the substantial volume of communication he navigates, underscoring the demands of his leadership role at Apple.
Read at Mail Online