A new peer-reviewed report reveals that non-ionizing radiation poses health risks even below levels considered safe. Authored by Dr. Paul Héroux, the report contradicts the telecom industry's assertions of radiation safety, emphasizing scientific errors in their rationale. Héroux, associated with McGill University and the International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields, argues that health effects from electromagnetic radiation are inevitable based on established laws of physics and biological processes. His findings advocate for reassessing exposure guidelines for wireless radiation to protect public health.
Héroux detailed the scientific faultiness of that argument: 'Ionization by the radiation itself is irrelevant because life processes produce ionization within the body itself.'
In fact, the basic laws of physics (Maxwell's Equations and the Second Law of Thermodynamics) together with established biology confirm that health effects of electromagnetic radiation are in fact inevitable, and at levels much lower than those considered safe by industry.
Industry's most important argument to deny the health impacts of electromagnetic radiation has been that these health effects are impossible based on solid physics, specifically that the radiation is 'non-ionizing.'
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