How to Attract Quality Talent In the Post-Pandemic Workforce | Entrepreneur

Holly Wade, NFIB's executive director of research, states, 'Most people who want a job have a job, so there are very few out there actively looking.' The U.S. labor market remains tight, despite a slight increase in unemployment rates, making it challenging for small businesses to attract quality candidates. This scarcity is compounded by demographic shifts from retirements, further constraining available talent.
Richard Grove emphasizes that the perception of skilled trades has shifted negatively among younger workers, with an increasing emphasis on college education. 'Younger workers don't see their heroes doing that sort of thing,' he remarks about the lack of glamor associated with trades, ultimately leaving many positions unfilled as young job seekers aim for degree-oriented paths.
Grove's approach to addressing these hiring challenges involves pushing businesses to connect with future talent directly within schools and communities, advocating for awareness of various career paths. His belief is that to effectively attract younger candidates, businesses must engage them in relatable environments, highlighting the real value of craft-oriented professions.
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