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Open Culture
3 days ago

Ray Bradbury Wrote the First Draft of Fahrenheit 451 on Coin-Operated Typewriters, for a Total of $9.80

Bradbury emphasized the importance of constant writing and spending time in the library for writers. [ more ]
1 month ago

Generous and reflective': letters show other sides to macho Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway's previously unpublished letters reveal a generous and thoughtful side, offering advice and encouragement to aspiring young novelists. [ more ]
The Paris Review
3 months ago

A Winter Dispatch from the Review's Poetry Editor - The Paris Review

Advice for young writers
Metaphysical and down-to-earth guidance [ more ]
3 months ago

The Novel as Shaggy Dog Joke

The Mezzanine by Nicholson Baker is a novel that challenges conventional writing advice.
The novel takes place in the character's digressions, observations, musings, and memories during a brief walk and escalator ride. [ more ]
4 months ago

How to Write a Book Right Now

Jami Attenberg has published a new book called 1000 Words, which features advice from various writers.
One writer's technique for writing with limited time and childcare was to send herself emails with ideas, using them as breadcrumbs to write later. [ more ]
4 months ago

How to Write a Book Right Now

Jami Attenberg has published another book called 1000 Words, featuring advice from dozens of writers.
Writing advice from contributors include techniques like sending oneself emails as 'bread crumbs' for writing ideas. [ more ]
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