Can I leave work early to vote on Election Day? Get time off? What California law says
California law permits time off work to vote without loss of pay, benefiting those unable to vote outside working hours.
Research: How Regulatory Changes Can Hurt Workers' Motivation
Employees' moral beliefs can conflict with workplace laws, reducing their initiative to suggest improvements.
Framing regulations in a moral context might enhance employee engagement and proactive behavior.
AG Campbell hits Shake Shack with $244K in fines over child labor violations
Shake Shack violated child labor laws, leading to a settlement to pay $244,500 for illegal scheduling of minors and lack of work permits.
Swiss court sides with watchmaker's rule forcing employees to take bathroom breaks on their own time
Swiss court rules clocking out for bathroom breaks is permissible, raising worker rights concerns.
Dog Joins Work Zoom Call, Outrage At What Happens Next
A remote work policy banning pets extends to Zoom calls, prompting outrage and discomfort among employees who work from home.
The strict enforcement of a no pets policy during virtual meetings highlights the challenges of balancing workplace regulations with home life. Touching on practicality and flexibility may be necessary.
Senators' latest telework legislation could imperil remote work
Federal workers may be required to spend at least 60% of their work hours on in-person work with limited telework allowed.
Affordable Options Available To Rent Or Buy Electric Vehicles | KQED
A quarter of new vehicles in California were zero emission last year, yet unevenly distributed. Efforts are being made to address gaps in clean car adoption.