How a dog's nose became a powerful tool for science and conservationConservation detection dogs have a significant role in aiding biologists by locating elusive species and biological samples.
Spotted owls are disappearing fast, and federal cuts could mean no one's left to count themThe firing of federal wildlife biologists hinders conservation efforts and monitoring of endangered species like the California spotted owl.
World's Oldest Known Wild Bird Lays an Egg at 74The world's oldest wild bird, Wisdom, is set to become a mother again at the age of 74, highlighting remarkable longevity.
Audio: The Joshua tree-yucca moth link - High Country NewsMutualism between Joshua trees and yucca moths is vital for the survival of both species.
How a dog's nose became a powerful tool for science and conservationConservation detection dogs have a significant role in aiding biologists by locating elusive species and biological samples.
Spotted owls are disappearing fast, and federal cuts could mean no one's left to count themThe firing of federal wildlife biologists hinders conservation efforts and monitoring of endangered species like the California spotted owl.
World's Oldest Known Wild Bird Lays an Egg at 74The world's oldest wild bird, Wisdom, is set to become a mother again at the age of 74, highlighting remarkable longevity.
Audio: The Joshua tree-yucca moth link - High Country NewsMutualism between Joshua trees and yucca moths is vital for the survival of both species.