#voting rights

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Brooklyn Eagle
4 weeks ago

Judge strikes down NYS rule that bans giving food & water to voters

Federal judge voids NY law banning food/water for voters in line. [ more ]
Washington Post
4 weeks ago
US news

Trump will likely be allowed to vote, despite felony convictions

Trump's ability to vote in the upcoming election is secured due to felony conviction location's lenient voting laws, showcasing state-specific voting regulations. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
US news

Legal experts say Trump's conviction is unlikely to lead to a prison sentence

Trump convicted of felonies, unlikely to face incarceration [ more ]
ABC7 San Francisco
4 weeks ago
US Elections

Can Donald Trump vote for himself now that he's a convicted felon?

Florida allows Trump, with a New York felony conviction, to vote as long as he does not go to prison in the state. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
NYC politics

Trump could still vote for himself after New York conviction if he's not in prison on Election Day

Trump can vote in Florida despite a felony conviction in New York due to differing voting rights laws between the two states. [ more ]
Southern Coalition for Social Justice
1 month ago
Social justice

The SOLVE Network Announces Funding Opportunity

SOLVE Network provides $10,000 grants to support civic engagement in underrepresented Southern communities. [ more ]
Brooklyn Eagle
4 weeks ago

Judge strikes down NYS rule that bans giving food & water to voters

Federal judge voids NY law banning food/water for voters in line. [ more ]
Washington Post
4 weeks ago
US news

Trump will likely be allowed to vote, despite felony convictions

Trump's ability to vote in the upcoming election is secured due to felony conviction location's lenient voting laws, showcasing state-specific voting regulations. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
US news

Legal experts say Trump's conviction is unlikely to lead to a prison sentence

Trump convicted of felonies, unlikely to face incarceration [ more ]
ABC7 San Francisco
4 weeks ago
US Elections

Can Donald Trump vote for himself now that he's a convicted felon?

Florida allows Trump, with a New York felony conviction, to vote as long as he does not go to prison in the state. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
NYC politics

Trump could still vote for himself after New York conviction if he's not in prison on Election Day

Trump can vote in Florida despite a felony conviction in New York due to differing voting rights laws between the two states. [ more ]
Southern Coalition for Social Justice
1 month ago
Social justice

The SOLVE Network Announces Funding Opportunity

SOLVE Network provides $10,000 grants to support civic engagement in underrepresented Southern communities. [ more ]
5 months ago
UK politics

Britons living abroad regain right to vote in UK elections as 15-year rule ends

Three million Britons living abroad for more than 15 years will regain their right to vote in all elections in the UK.
The change brings the UK in line with other major democracies that allow lifelong voting rights. [ more ]
Southern Coalition for Social Justice
6 months ago
Social justice

Georgia Court Blocks Racially Gerrymandered Cobb County School Board Map

The U.S. District Court has blocked the use of a racially gerrymandered map by the Cobb County School Board in an upcoming election.
The injunction was granted in response to a lawsuit alleging that the map violated the Fourteenth Amendment and diminished the voting power of Black and Latinx voters. [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
6 months ago
US politics

Republican National Committee backs effort to block mail-in ballots received after Election Day

The Republican National Committee (RNC) is supporting an appeal in a federal lawsuit seeking to overturn an Illinois law that allows mail-in ballots to be counted up to 14 days after Election Day.
This comes as the RNC is promoting a 'bank the vote' program to encourage Republicans to vote by mail. [ more ]
Southern Coalition for Social Justice
8 months ago
Social justice

Judge rules Galveston County must redraw discriminatory 2021 map

Judge rules in favor of civil rights groups' argument that the 2021 Galveston County redistricting map discriminated against Black and Latino residents.
Galveston County ordered to redraw the 2021 map by October 20, 2023.
Civil rights groups express satisfaction with the court's decision and hope for a new map that ensures fair representation. [ more ]
7 months ago
US politics

Federal Court Guts Enforcement of Voting Rights Act in "Catastrophic" Ruling

A conservative three-judge panel on the US federal court struck down the primary enforcement mechanism of the Voting Rights Act, which experts believe will be catastrophic for voting rights.
The ruling limits the ability of private litigants, like voting and civil rights groups, to bring lawsuits challenging discriminatory practices in redistricting and election administration under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act.
The decision leaves the Justice Department as the main entity with the ability to bring lawsuits when electoral maps or changes to election administration rules have discriminatory effects on voters. [ more ]
7 months ago
US politics

Federal Court Guts Enforcement of Voting Rights Act in "Catastrophic" Ruling

A conservative three-judge panel on the US federal court struck down the primary enforcement mechanism of the Voting Rights Act, which experts believe will be catastrophic for voting rights.
The ruling limits the ability of private litigants, like voting and civil rights groups, to bring lawsuits challenging discriminatory practices in redistricting and election administration under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act.
The decision leaves the Justice Department as the main entity with the ability to bring lawsuits when electoral maps or changes to election administration rules have discriminatory effects on voters. [ more ]
Southern Coalition for Social Justice
8 months ago
Social justice

Judge rules Galveston County must redraw discriminatory 2021 map

Judge rules in favor of civil rights groups' argument that the 2021 Galveston County redistricting map discriminated against Black and Latino residents.
Galveston County ordered to redraw the 2021 map by October 20, 2023.
Civil rights groups express satisfaction with the court's decision and hope for a new map that ensures fair representation. [ more ]
7 months ago
US politics

Federal Court Guts Enforcement of Voting Rights Act in "Catastrophic" Ruling

A conservative three-judge panel on the US federal court struck down the primary enforcement mechanism of the Voting Rights Act, which experts believe will be catastrophic for voting rights.
The ruling limits the ability of private litigants, like voting and civil rights groups, to bring lawsuits challenging discriminatory practices in redistricting and election administration under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act.
The decision leaves the Justice Department as the main entity with the ability to bring lawsuits when electoral maps or changes to election administration rules have discriminatory effects on voters. [ more ]
7 months ago
US politics

Federal Court Guts Enforcement of Voting Rights Act in "Catastrophic" Ruling

A conservative three-judge panel on the US federal court struck down the primary enforcement mechanism of the Voting Rights Act, which experts believe will be catastrophic for voting rights.
The ruling limits the ability of private litigants, like voting and civil rights groups, to bring lawsuits challenging discriminatory practices in redistricting and election administration under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act.
The decision leaves the Justice Department as the main entity with the ability to bring lawsuits when electoral maps or changes to election administration rules have discriminatory effects on voters. [ more ]
Southern Coalition for Social Justice
8 months ago
Social justice

Civil rights groups file lawsuit against youth voting restrictions

SB 747 is facing a lawsuit for being an unconstitutional burden on the right to vote for young North Carolinians.
The lawsuit argues that SB 747 disproportionately affects young voters' ability to register and have their ballots counted.
The bill places the fate of a ballot cast using same-day registration on whether a single piece of mail reaches the voter. [ more ]
Southern Coalition for Social Justice
6 months ago
Social justice

Civil rights groups ask Supreme Court to provide relief for Black, Latino Galveston County voters

The Southern Coalition for Social Justice and the Texas Civil Rights Project are urging the U.S. Supreme Court to address a racially gerrymandered map in Galveston County.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has granted an en banc review of the redistricting case in question.
The decision to delay the review jeopardizes the ability of Black and Latino residents in Galveston County to elect their preferred candidates. [ more ]
6 months ago
US politics

Arizona GOP county officials face charges after refusing to certify election on time

Two Arizona Republican supervisors face criminal charges for delaying the certification of the 2022 midterm elections.
The delay raised concerns about the potential disruption of future elections and the disenfranchisement of voters.
The Arizona secretary of state's office called for an investigation into the supervisors' actions. [ more ]
#Voting Rights Act
The Nation
6 months ago
Social justice

A Rando Trump Judge Just Blew a Giant Hole in the Voting Rights Act

Judge Stras's decision makes the Voting Rights Act virtually unenforceable in seven states.
The Eighth Circuit ruled that private citizens could not sue to protect their voting rights.
If the ruling is upheld, only the attorney general can challenge states that violate voting rights. [ more ]
7 months ago

An appeals court has struck down a key path for enforcing the Voting Rights Act

A federal appeals court has struck down a key path for enforcing the Voting Rights Act, potentially limiting its protections for people of color.
The dispute centers around who is allowed to sue to enforce Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, with the lower court ruling that only the U.S. attorney general can bring such lawsuits.
This ruling may set up a Supreme Court fight and could further limit the reach of the Voting Rights Act's protections for people of color. [ more ]
The Nation
6 months ago
Social justice

A Rando Trump Judge Just Blew a Giant Hole in the Voting Rights Act

Judge Stras's decision makes the Voting Rights Act virtually unenforceable in seven states.
The Eighth Circuit ruled that private citizens could not sue to protect their voting rights.
If the ruling is upheld, only the attorney general can challenge states that violate voting rights. [ more ]
7 months ago

An appeals court has struck down a key path for enforcing the Voting Rights Act

A federal appeals court has struck down a key path for enforcing the Voting Rights Act, potentially limiting its protections for people of color.
The dispute centers around who is allowed to sue to enforce Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, with the lower court ruling that only the U.S. attorney general can bring such lawsuits.
This ruling may set up a Supreme Court fight and could further limit the reach of the Voting Rights Act's protections for people of color. [ more ]
moreVoting Rights Act
7 months ago
US politics

It has to be done': can Reconstruction-era laws hold Trump and allies accountable?

Laws from the Reconstruction era are being used in lawsuits to hold Trump and his allies accountable for election subversion.
These laws are also being utilized to enforce voting rights and prevent discrimination in modern-era elections.
Section 3 of the 14th amendment is being used to keep Trump off the 2024 ballot and there is a novel approach to protecting the voting rights of people with felonies. [ more ]
7 months ago

Appeals Court Curbs Voting Lawsuits Claiming Discrimination

Federal appeals court rules that voters alleging discrimination in election rules do not have the right to sue.
The ruling could have a significant impact on voting rights if adopted by other courts.
Only the U.S. Attorney General can bring legal claims under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act. [ more ]
7 months ago

City Council considering local voting rights for immigrants with 'legal status'

The Boston City Council is considering allowing immigrants with legal status to vote in municipal elections.
Councilor Kendra Lara proposed a home rule petition to enact this change.
Lara argues that immigrants with legal status should have the ability to vote as they contribute to the city's economy and pay taxes. [ more ]
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