#vendor management

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3 weeks ago
Privacy professionals

Banking details of 30 million Santander customers exposed during breach allegedly up for sale on the dark web

The aftermath of a major data breach at Santander involves the alleged sale of customer and staff information, prompting the need for increased security measures within financial institutions. [ more ]
1 month ago
Marketing tech

14,106 martech tools reveal 3 trends you should master | MarTech

Martech growth outpaces consolidation, prioritize martech maturity. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Privacy professionals

Banking details of 30 million Santander customers exposed during breach allegedly up for sale on the dark web

The aftermath of a major data breach at Santander involves the alleged sale of customer and staff information, prompting the need for increased security measures within financial institutions. [ more ]
1 month ago
Marketing tech

14,106 martech tools reveal 3 trends you should master | MarTech

Martech growth outpaces consolidation, prioritize martech maturity. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

The AI industry is even stronger after the drama with Sam Altman and OpenAI

Altman's departure caused shock and confusion in the tech industry
The turmoil at OpenAI gave a boost to the rest of the AI industry and highlighted the risk of depending on one AI vendor [ more ]
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