Short-term lets 'hollowing out' London as one in 32 homes used for holiday staysShort-term lets in London are exacerbating the housing crisis, as one in 32 homes are used as holiday rentals instead of affordable housing.
Concord City Council votes to loosen rent control restrictions after heated meetingConcord City Council voted to raise the rent cap from 3% to 5%, amidst heated discussions between tenants and property owners.
Renting vs. owning: What's fair for Californians?California's housing crisis highlights the complexities of substituting rental options, which isn't as straightforward as traditional economics suggests.
Call for ban on rental property 'bidding wars'Southwark Council seeks to ban exploitative bidding wars in rental markets to protect tenants amid high rental costs and a housing crisis.
Crowd of NYC tenants rally against Airbnb bill, claims threats against housing stability | amNewYorkAdvocates are uniting against Airbnb's Intro 1107, claiming it threatens New York's rental market and exacerbates the housing crisis.
LA Gentrification Fight Sees Tenants Push Back | KQEDCurrent tenants in Boyle Heights are fighting back against gentrification and have achieved victories despite rising rents and neighborhood changes.
Short-term lets 'hollowing out' London as one in 32 homes used for holiday staysShort-term lets in London are exacerbating the housing crisis, as one in 32 homes are used as holiday rentals instead of affordable housing.
Concord City Council votes to loosen rent control restrictions after heated meetingConcord City Council voted to raise the rent cap from 3% to 5%, amidst heated discussions between tenants and property owners.
Renting vs. owning: What's fair for Californians?California's housing crisis highlights the complexities of substituting rental options, which isn't as straightforward as traditional economics suggests.
Call for ban on rental property 'bidding wars'Southwark Council seeks to ban exploitative bidding wars in rental markets to protect tenants amid high rental costs and a housing crisis.
Crowd of NYC tenants rally against Airbnb bill, claims threats against housing stability | amNewYorkAdvocates are uniting against Airbnb's Intro 1107, claiming it threatens New York's rental market and exacerbates the housing crisis.
LA Gentrification Fight Sees Tenants Push Back | KQEDCurrent tenants in Boyle Heights are fighting back against gentrification and have achieved victories despite rising rents and neighborhood changes.
Berkeley residents form city's first tenants union with power to bargain with landlordsResidents formed a tenants association to address persistent issues in their building, leveraging newly expanded renters' rights from Measure BB.
Lefferts Gardens Tenants Threaten Non-Payment Until Buildings is FixedTenants at 22 Hawthorne Street are on a rent strike to protest lack of cooking gas and hot water.
Berkeley residents form city's first tenants union with power to bargain with landlordsResidents formed a tenants association to address persistent issues in their building, leveraging newly expanded renters' rights from Measure BB.
Lefferts Gardens Tenants Threaten Non-Payment Until Buildings is FixedTenants at 22 Hawthorne Street are on a rent strike to protest lack of cooking gas and hot water.
Sunset Park Tenants Want Heat at Complex With 318 ViolationsTenants in Sunset Park are rallying for their rights amidst severe neglect, including lack of heat leading to health crises like pneumonia.
A Chelsea Arts Building Is for Sale, and the Artists Cry Foul'The sale of West Chelsea's art complex poses significant disruption for the local arts community.
Scheme That Allows Crypto Bros to Buy Ownership of Apartments Leads to Black Mold, EvictionsA new real estate scheme in Detroit enables multiple owners through blockchain, effectively complicating tenant-landlord relationships and worsening rental conditions.
A Chelsea Arts Building Is for Sale, and the Artists Cry Foul'The sale of West Chelsea's art complex poses significant disruption for the local arts community.
Scheme That Allows Crypto Bros to Buy Ownership of Apartments Leads to Black Mold, EvictionsA new real estate scheme in Detroit enables multiple owners through blockchain, effectively complicating tenant-landlord relationships and worsening rental conditions.
UK rents slip for the first time since 2019, but London remains at record highsUK rents have fallen slightly for the first time since 2019, reflecting improved supply in the rental market.
'Damaged' Louis Vuitton bags and power cut-offs: Tenants and landlord ordered to pay each other thousands after disputeTenants are awarded damages after illegal eviction, despite owing money to the landlord.
Landlord Marc Godart pays tenants 10k compensation over illegal eviction ahead of court hearingThree tenants received compensation after a two-year legal battle against illegal eviction by landlord Marc Godart.
'Damaged' Louis Vuitton bags and power cut-offs: Tenants and landlord ordered to pay each other thousands after disputeTenants are awarded damages after illegal eviction, despite owing money to the landlord.
Landlord Marc Godart pays tenants 10k compensation over illegal eviction ahead of court hearingThree tenants received compensation after a two-year legal battle against illegal eviction by landlord Marc Godart.
NYC Council eyes bills to protect tenants from illegal evictions | amNewYorkNYC Council is introducing bills to strengthen protections against illegal evictions, enhance tenants' rights, and manage temperature control for renters during summer.
They sued for their NYC apartment's security deposit. The landlord still hasn't returned it.Tenants face significant challenges in recovering security deposits, leading many to drop their claims.
NYC Council eyes bills to protect tenants from illegal evictions | amNewYorkNYC Council is introducing bills to strengthen protections against illegal evictions, enhance tenants' rights, and manage temperature control for renters during summer.
They sued for their NYC apartment's security deposit. The landlord still hasn't returned it.Tenants face significant challenges in recovering security deposits, leading many to drop their claims.
Causa Justa closing after 22 years of tenant organizing in Oakland and SFCausa Justa/Just Cause is closing due to operational challenges exacerbated by the pandemic, despite being financially stable.
I Want to Renovate My Rental. How Much Trouble Can I Get Into?Tenants need landlord's permission for renovations, or risk penalties.Unauthorized updates can violate lease terms, but courts may vary in rulings.Renovations must comply with city codes to ensure habitability.
4 years, $60k in arrears:A portrait of housing court delays at their worstThe prolonged eviction process in New York highlights the legal challenges landlords face during and after the pandemic.
Your NY landlord is now required to tell you there are bedbugs in the building within 72 hours of discoveryNew York law now requires landlords to notify renters of bedbug infestations within 72 hours, enhancing tenant protection.
4 years, $60k in arrears:A portrait of housing court delays at their worstThe prolonged eviction process in New York highlights the legal challenges landlords face during and after the pandemic.
Your NY landlord is now required to tell you there are bedbugs in the building within 72 hours of discoveryNew York law now requires landlords to notify renters of bedbug infestations within 72 hours, enhancing tenant protection.
City Council OKs Bill That Eliminates Broker Fees For Most TenantsThe FARE Act aims to significantly reduce the financial burden on tenants by requiring landlords to pay the broker fee in rental transactions.
Berkeley could see among state's biggest changes in rent control if Prop. 33 passesProposition 33 could establish rent increases caps for older rentals and newly rented units in Berkeley if passed.
Ed Miliband pledges to end cold and draughty rented homesNew plans aim to improve energy efficiency standards in rented homes to combat fuel poverty.Landlords must ensure homes meet at least EPC C by 2030 to protect vulnerable renters.
City Council OKs Bill That Eliminates Broker Fees For Most TenantsThe FARE Act aims to significantly reduce the financial burden on tenants by requiring landlords to pay the broker fee in rental transactions.
Berkeley could see among state's biggest changes in rent control if Prop. 33 passesProposition 33 could establish rent increases caps for older rentals and newly rented units in Berkeley if passed.
Ed Miliband pledges to end cold and draughty rented homesNew plans aim to improve energy efficiency standards in rented homes to combat fuel poverty.Landlords must ensure homes meet at least EPC C by 2030 to protect vulnerable renters.
4 Things Almost No One Considers When Deciding to Rent a House vs. an ApartmentConsider space vs. responsibilities when choosing between renting a house and an apartment.
State, city-elected officials & Brooklyn tenants rally to urge landlord to sell Cobble Hill apartmentBrooklyn tenants are rallying to urge their landlord to sell their building to avoid rent increases and evictions as affordable housing agreements expire.
4 Things Almost No One Considers When Deciding to Rent a House vs. an ApartmentConsider space vs. responsibilities when choosing between renting a house and an apartment.
State, city-elected officials & Brooklyn tenants rally to urge landlord to sell Cobble Hill apartmentBrooklyn tenants are rallying to urge their landlord to sell their building to avoid rent increases and evictions as affordable housing agreements expire.
A Camera in the East Village, Capturing the Now and the Long AgoRent-stabilized apartments are crucial for fostering community and preserving New York's cultural identity.
Massive rent hikes, dodgy landlords unlike many MPs, I know what renting is like. We have to fix it | Chris CurtisThe rental sector in England needs urgent reform due to long-standing issues with landlords taking advantage of tenants.
How to Write a Lease Agreement: A 14-Step Guide to Writing a LeaseA lease agreement outlines tenant and landlord rights, responsibilities, and terms.Writing a lease effectively requires clear property descriptions and utility responsibilities.
Video shows NYC building superintendent kicking tenant down stairs, beating him with wrenchA Manhattan building superintendent was arrested for violently attacking a tenant over a rent dispute, highlighting issues of safety in housing.
Landlords cry foul as more states seal eviction recordsThe expiration of pandemic-era tenant protections has led to soaring rents and significantly increased eviction filings in U.S. cities.Recent laws in several states aim to provide tenants a fair shot at housing by sealing certain eviction records from public access.
Squatters evicted after years in vacant public housing units on Potrero HillEvictions at San Francisco's Terrace-Annex highlight the struggles of tenants as public housing is demolished amid a severe affordable housing crisis.
Your Rent May Go Up Because of Rising Insurance Rates | KQEDHigher insurance costs in California are impacting rent for tenants, with many landlords passing costs directly to renters.
Flatbush tenants demand action on hazardous housing violations, call for compensation * Brooklyn PaperTenants at 55 East 21st St. demand immediate action on hazardous housing violations affecting their health.
Bay Ridge Families Celebrate Victory After Housing ScamTwenty immigrant families saved from fraudulent landlord by AAFE, now on track to owning their homes.