Holiday movies 2024: From Dylan to Lion King' to Wicked'Hollywood aims to revitalize the holiday box office after a weak fall with a lineup of anticipated films and diverse indie contenders.
Every movie and TV show in Marvel's Phase 5, rankedMarvel's Phase 5 struggles with box-office performance and a sense of superhero fatigue, particularly evident in recent films and series.Both 'Secret Invasion' and 'Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania' are critically panned for confusing narratives and weak character development.
What's Next for Marvel's Marketing Machine?Avengers: Endgame's success in 2019 is in stark contrast to the current state of the Marvel franchise.The Marvels had the lowest box office debut in MCU history.The podcast discusses the Marvel marketing machine, brand downturn, and potential strategies to retain audiences.