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Harvard Gazette
1 month ago

Alcohol is dangerous. So is 'alcoholic.' - Harvard Gazette

Stigmatizing language around addiction can prevent patients from receiving proper medical care and can ultimately lead to tragic consequences. [ more ]
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
2 months ago
Mental health

Guide-Me: What Is Supportive-Expressive Therapy?

Supportive-expressive therapy is effective for treating substance use disorders.
It helps individuals achieve self-control and self-understanding. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
3 months ago

Your guide to Proposition 1: Newsom's overhaul of California's mental health system

Proposition 1 aims to address California's homelessness and mental health crisis.
The measure asks voters to approve changes to the Mental Health Services Act and a $6.4-billion bond for new treatment facilities. [ more ]
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