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1 month ago
Information security

Why the UK needs to fix its broken IT security market | Computer Weekly

Legislation may be necessary to ensure IT suppliers prioritize cybersecurity and develop resilient products. [ more ]
App Developer Magazine
3 months ago
Software development

ONCD asks software manufacturers to adopt memory safe languages| App Developer Magazine

Memory-safe programming languages can reduce vulnerabilities in the software supply chain.
Adopting memory-safe languages can help address pervasive vulnerabilities and malicious activities in software. [ more ]
3 months ago

Sigstore: Secure and Scalable Infrastructure for Signing and Verifying Software

Software vulnerabilities are introduced at multiple stages; no single solution for supply chain security.
Significant increase in software supply chain attacks calls for attention and improvement at every stage of the development process. [ more ]
Developer Tech News
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

White House urges adoption of memory-safe programming languages

Importance of adopting memory-safe programming languages to enhance cybersecurity
Collaboration between ONCD, technical community, and partners in addressing software vulnerabilities [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

Why the UK needs to fix its broken IT security market | Computer Weekly

Legislation may be necessary to ensure IT suppliers prioritize cybersecurity and develop resilient products. [ more ]
App Developer Magazine
3 months ago
Software development

ONCD asks software manufacturers to adopt memory safe languages| App Developer Magazine

Memory-safe programming languages can reduce vulnerabilities in the software supply chain.
Adopting memory-safe languages can help address pervasive vulnerabilities and malicious activities in software. [ more ]
3 months ago

Sigstore: Secure and Scalable Infrastructure for Signing and Verifying Software

Software vulnerabilities are introduced at multiple stages; no single solution for supply chain security.
Significant increase in software supply chain attacks calls for attention and improvement at every stage of the development process. [ more ]
Developer Tech News
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

White House urges adoption of memory-safe programming languages

Importance of adopting memory-safe programming languages to enhance cybersecurity
Collaboration between ONCD, technical community, and partners in addressing software vulnerabilities [ more ]
3 months ago
Software development

Open source is not insecure

Open source software relies on trust in authors and contributors.
Security of open source improves with source code transparency. [ more ]
3 months ago
Tech industry

The internet is built on unpaid labour take it away, and the whole thing crumbles

Open source software relies heavily on the unpaid labor of hobbyists.
Small projects can have a significant impact on modern digital infrastructure. [ more ]
3 months ago
Software development

Open source is not insecure

Open source software relies on trust in authors and contributors.
Security of open source improves with source code transparency. [ more ]
3 months ago
Tech industry

The internet is built on unpaid labour take it away, and the whole thing crumbles

Open source software relies heavily on the unpaid labor of hobbyists.
Small projects can have a significant impact on modern digital infrastructure. [ more ]
Python Software Foundation Blog
3 months ago

White House recommends use of memory-safe languages like Python

Memory-safe programming languages recommended by White House report
Python's role in memory-safety highlighted by Python Software Foundation and Cryptography library's migration to Rust. [ more ]
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