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1 year ago

5 Ingredients Experts Say To Avoid In Store-Bought Salad Dressings

Creamy dressings can be higher in saturated fat than oily dressings, but this doesn't automatically make oily dressings more nutritious.
The type of oil used in a salad dressing can affect its level of healthy fats. Olive oil, for example, has more unsaturated fats than vegetable oil. [ more ]
Alternative Medicine Magazine
2 weeks ago
Alternative medicine

Health Nut's Iconic Salad Dressings Hit Grocery Stores Nationwide

Health Nut launches iconic salad dressings in four flavors, meeting consumer demand for trendy, gluten-free, and vegan-friendly options. [ more ]
1 day ago
Everyday cooking

Are there any salad dressings that don't rely on oil? | Kitchen aide

Different alternatives to traditional salad dressings can be created using ingredients like honey, yogurt, nuts, and fruits. [ more ]
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