2 Pendants Newly Attributed to Faberge to Be AuctionedThe auction of two newly attributed Faberge pendants reveals a significant connection to Russian history post-revolution.
From Laughing At A Donkey To Drowning In A Toilet - 11 Extremely Bizarre Ways Historical Figures DiedYussupov and Dimitri attempted to assassinate Rasputin but their efforts proved futile until they resolved to shoot him and dispose of his body.
This Leader Died 100 Years Ago This Year But Has Not DecayedLenin's preserved body symbolizes the manipulation of political legacy for power and authority.
The Planetary Vision of Soviet Russia's Great Modernist NovelChevengur is a novel by Andrey Platonov portraying the journey of establishing Soviet power in rural Russia post civil war, with contradictory interpretations on its meaning.