Missed Student Loan Payments Will Hurt Your Credit Again. What to Know.Borrowers need to be aware that missed student loan payments will now affect their credit scores after the one-year on-ramp ends.The Biden administration's on-ramp allowed missed payments to go unreported, but this protection concluded at the end of September 2023.
Education Dept. Reverses Itself and Reopens Two Loan Repayment PlansThe Education Department reinstated two repayment plans to support borrowers amid ongoing litigation against the SAVE repayment program.
Missed Student Loan Payments Will Hurt Your Credit Again. What to Know.Borrowers need to be aware that missed student loan payments will now affect their credit scores after the one-year on-ramp ends.The Biden administration's on-ramp allowed missed payments to go unreported, but this protection concluded at the end of September 2023.
Education Dept. Reverses Itself and Reopens Two Loan Repayment PlansThe Education Department reinstated two repayment plans to support borrowers amid ongoing litigation against the SAVE repayment program.
Borrowers Should Benefit From Biden's New Student Loan Forgiveness Proposal Before Voting In NovemberPresident Biden announced a revised plan for federal student loan forgiveness with a more targeted approach.The new proposal covers multiple groups of borrowers, including those with accrued interest, specific repayment dates, and hardships.