David W Higgins: Rent controls have done their job, but now it's time for them to goRenters benefit from staying put under RPZs, but face challenges when relocating.
Ban on rental bidding wars is on the way - but will it work?Bidding wars in rental markets create unfair competition, pushing prices beyond reach for many renters.
Landlords warn they could raise rents over renters' rights billThe Labour's Renters' Rights Bill aims to give tenants more power, but may lead to rent increases in city areas according to landlords.
Government to propose ban on no-fault evictionsLabour's new Renters' Rights Bill will ban no-fault evictions, enhancing security for England's renters and addressing issues of housing quality and discrimination.
Labour calls for 'NCT-style' tests for rental property standards and end to no-fault evictionsUrgent need for enhanced rental rights legislation to protect tenants in Dublin amid rising rents.
Bill banning no-fault evictions to return to ParliamentThe government will introduce a Renters' Rights Bill to ban no-fault evictions and enhance protections for tenants in England.
David W Higgins: Rent controls have done their job, but now it's time for them to goRenters benefit from staying put under RPZs, but face challenges when relocating.
Ban on rental bidding wars is on the way - but will it work?Bidding wars in rental markets create unfair competition, pushing prices beyond reach for many renters.
Landlords warn they could raise rents over renters' rights billThe Labour's Renters' Rights Bill aims to give tenants more power, but may lead to rent increases in city areas according to landlords.
Government to propose ban on no-fault evictionsLabour's new Renters' Rights Bill will ban no-fault evictions, enhancing security for England's renters and addressing issues of housing quality and discrimination.
Labour calls for 'NCT-style' tests for rental property standards and end to no-fault evictionsUrgent need for enhanced rental rights legislation to protect tenants in Dublin amid rising rents.
Bill banning no-fault evictions to return to ParliamentThe government will introduce a Renters' Rights Bill to ban no-fault evictions and enhance protections for tenants in England.
Can a landlord legally lock up your thermostat and limit your hot water?Landlords cannot legally lock thermostats during winter, violating tenant's rights to essential services.
New Laws California Renters and Landlords Need to Know in 2025 | KQEDCalifornia has implemented new housing laws for renters and landlords, addressing evictions, transparency in fees, and anti-discrimination measures.
Can a landlord legally lock up your thermostat and limit your hot water?Landlords cannot legally lock thermostats during winter, violating tenant's rights to essential services.
New Laws California Renters and Landlords Need to Know in 2025 | KQEDCalifornia has implemented new housing laws for renters and landlords, addressing evictions, transparency in fees, and anti-discrimination measures.
FCC Stops Considering Bulk Billing Proposal, Citing Potential for Cost IncreasesThe FCC rejected a proposal to eliminate bulk billing for tenants, stating it would increase internet costs, contrary to previous assertions.
Rental Home Getting Cold This Winter? What You Can Legally Ask of Your Landlord | KQEDLandlords in California must provide a functioning heat source to maintain temperatures above 70 degrees for renters.
Do I Have To Pay Rent After My Apartment Burns Down?Renters in Los Angeles may not owe rent if their rental is destroyed; laws vary based on the rental's condition.
Rental Home Getting Cold This Winter? What You Can Legally Ask of Your Landlord | KQEDLandlords in California must provide a functioning heat source to maintain temperatures above 70 degrees for renters.
Do I Have To Pay Rent After My Apartment Burns Down?Renters in Los Angeles may not owe rent if their rental is destroyed; laws vary based on the rental's condition.
The End of Broker Fees Might Mean the End of Hostage TenantsThe end of forced broker fees will lower moving costs and enhance tenant mobility, particularly benefiting lower-income renters.
New York City Landlord Wants You Out? There Had Better Be Good Cause.'New York's good cause eviction law empowers renters and allows for lease negotiations, providing security against eviction.
The End of Broker Fees Might Mean the End of Hostage TenantsThe end of forced broker fees will lower moving costs and enhance tenant mobility, particularly benefiting lower-income renters.
New York City Landlord Wants You Out? There Had Better Be Good Cause.'New York's good cause eviction law empowers renters and allows for lease negotiations, providing security against eviction.
What Renters Should Know if Their Home Is Damaged by WildfiresRenters affected by LA wildfires must navigate complex landlord obligations and living arrangements, often needing to find temporary housing independently.
Opinion | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Tina Smith: Our Solution to the Housing CrisisThe housing crisis is worsening, with structural inequality preventing working-class individuals from affording decent housing.
The Feds Sued a Major Corporate Landlord. Here's What It Means for Renters | KQEDInvitation Homes will pay $48 million to settle FTC claims of illegal tenant fees and security deposit issues, without admitting wrongdoing.
Estate agents in pricey London borough warned not to encourage rental bidding warsSouthwark Council is advocating to end bidding wars among tenants, aiming to protect renters amid rising rental prices and the ongoing housing crisis.
The mouldy, ant-infested flats that prove why MPs should never be landlords | Ben SmokeAwaab's Law mandates swift action from social landlords against hazardous living conditions, exemplified by the tragic death of Awaab Ishak.Jas Athwal's properties are marred by issues such as black mould, undermining his previous stance as a champion for renters.
Cap rent rises in England and Wales, Labour-commissioned report saysRent rises should be capped to help struggling renters, with proposed measures including a double lock to cap increases at CPI or local wage growth
What Renters Should Know if Their Home Is Damaged by WildfiresRenters affected by LA wildfires must navigate complex landlord obligations and living arrangements, often needing to find temporary housing independently.
Opinion | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Tina Smith: Our Solution to the Housing CrisisThe housing crisis is worsening, with structural inequality preventing working-class individuals from affording decent housing.
The Feds Sued a Major Corporate Landlord. Here's What It Means for Renters | KQEDInvitation Homes will pay $48 million to settle FTC claims of illegal tenant fees and security deposit issues, without admitting wrongdoing.
Estate agents in pricey London borough warned not to encourage rental bidding warsSouthwark Council is advocating to end bidding wars among tenants, aiming to protect renters amid rising rental prices and the ongoing housing crisis.
The mouldy, ant-infested flats that prove why MPs should never be landlords | Ben SmokeAwaab's Law mandates swift action from social landlords against hazardous living conditions, exemplified by the tragic death of Awaab Ishak.Jas Athwal's properties are marred by issues such as black mould, undermining his previous stance as a champion for renters.
Cap rent rises in England and Wales, Labour-commissioned report saysRent rises should be capped to help struggling renters, with proposed measures including a double lock to cap increases at CPI or local wage growth
City Council passes Brooklyn CM Chi Osse's broker fee bill with veto-proof majority * Brooklyn PaperNew York's City Council has passed legislation to eliminate costly broker fees for renters, shifting the payment responsibility to landlords who hire brokers.
What Labour's Renters' Rights Bill means for UK tenantsThe Renters' Rights Bill significantly enhances protections and rights for private renters in the UK.
City Council passes Brooklyn CM Chi Osse's broker fee bill with veto-proof majority * Brooklyn PaperNew York's City Council has passed legislation to eliminate costly broker fees for renters, shifting the payment responsibility to landlords who hire brokers.
What Labour's Renters' Rights Bill means for UK tenantsThe Renters' Rights Bill significantly enhances protections and rights for private renters in the UK.
Council approves initiative that aims to protect renters from hidden fees - Austin MonitorAustin City Council passed a resolution to mandate fee disclosure for landlords, aiming to protect renters from unexpected charges.
Tenants Nationwide Call for Social Housing Now! - Non Profit News | Nonprofit QuarterlyRenters and unhoused individuals nationwide are organizing to demand urgent action from the government to address the housing crisis.
Forced home moves cost renters over half a billion pounds a yearUnwanted home moves cost renters over half a billion pounds annually, with an average of £669 spent each time, leading to financial and emotional stress.
Tenants Nationwide Call for Social Housing Now! - Non Profit News | Nonprofit QuarterlyRenters and unhoused individuals nationwide are organizing to demand urgent action from the government to address the housing crisis.
Forced home moves cost renters over half a billion pounds a yearUnwanted home moves cost renters over half a billion pounds annually, with an average of £669 spent each time, leading to financial and emotional stress.
Campaigners welcome Angela Rayner's bill to ban no-fault evictionsThe Renters' Rights Bill signifies a crucial advancement in tenant protections, aiming to abolish no-fault evictions and prioritize housing stability.
Bill to ban England and Wales landlords from rental bidding warsThe UK government has introduced a ban on landlords renting properties for more than the advertised price to combat rising rental prices and bidding wars.
How a German 'Mieterverein' can help you reduce your rentMietervereine empower renters in Germany by offering legal assistance and advocacy, crucial for upholding tenants' rights and combating unfair landlord practices.
Renters Call For Added Protections As California Faces Another Heat Wave | KQEDCalifornia faces a severe heat wave, endangering renters without air conditioning, while state laws offer insufficient protection or relief for them.
Starmer criticises Labour MP over tenants' complaints of mould and antsJas Athwal's rental properties criticized by Keir Starmer for unacceptable living conditions, prompting calls for immediate action and accountability.
Starmer's vision for Britain: key pledges and missing pieces from the King's SpeechKing Charles presented Sir Keir Starmer's comprehensive plan for Britain, featuring proposed laws on planning reform, employment rights, and transport.
No fault' evictions in London surge 52% in a year as Sadiq Khan slams failure to ban them as 'huge betrayal'The number of 'no fault' evictions in London has increased significantly, highlighting the need for a ban on such evictions.
Susan Hall campaigns at Sadiq Khan's childhood home without realisingMs. Hall acknowledges she is the underdog in the London mayoral race but is fighting hard.
L.A. County wants to give evicted tenants free lawyers. Landlords say it won't helpA proposed 'right to counsel' ordinance in L.A. County aims to provide legal aid to struggling renters in eviction proceedings, balancing the power dynamic.