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3 weeks ago

RESTing on Postgres

PostgREST provides a cleaner, faster API from PostgreSQL database. Python Asyncio explained through generators, event loop, and more. Smart way to learn Python Regex with ebook and puzzle challenges. [ more ]
1 month ago

ECMAScript proposal: duplicate named capturing groups for regular expressions

Enables reuse of regular expression fragments and match-processing code through Duplicate Named Capturing Groups feature. [ more ]
1 month ago
Web design

A simple example of scraping a web page using Visual FA

Visual FA is a performance-oriented lexing/tokenizing engine for C#, useful for tasks like web scraping.
It does not have features like backtracking or capturing, making it more efficient for tasks like scraping web content. [ more ]
2 months ago

Scala: How do I perform pattern matching on strings and regular expressions in a match expression?

Pattern matching in Scala can be performed on regular expression strings in a match expression.
Regular expressions can be defined as a Regex type and used for pattern matching in Scala. [ more ]
4 months ago

In defense of regular expressions

Regular expressions are useful tools, but they are also disliked by many.
Technology allows for generating regular expressions through AI RegExp websites, but it's important to verify their accuracy and coverage of specific needs. [ more ]
4 months ago

How to search multiple lines with Python?

You can use regular expressions in Python to search for words or phrases in a paragraph.
The re.M flag allows the search to span multiple lines. [ more ]
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