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Creative Bloq
2 months ago
Video games

Clever Super Mario ad proves the power of print

Print ads can be impactful for digital products like video games.
Clever advertising can stand the test of time. [ more ]
Creative Bloq
3 months ago

This ingenious poster proves the enduring power of print ads

Clever print ads can be effective and memorable in the age of digital advertising.
Advertising agencies showcase creativity through self-promotion campaigns. [ more ]
Bored Panda
6 months ago

115 Fascinating 'Vintage Advertisements' That Might Not Go Down Well Today

Print advertising evolved from text-only to visually appealing ads with the introduction of images and colors.
Successful ads in the 20th century utilized bright colors, dramatic illustrations, and catchy slogans.
Advertising in the past often included controversial and inappropriate content. [ more ]
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