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2 weeks ago

Marketers focus on competitive analysis to grow their influencer marketing strategies

Marketers are increasingly focusing on competitors' influencer marketing strategies to inform their own strategies. [ more ]
Hindustan Times
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

When will you die? Danish researchers build AI algorithm that aims to predict life, and death

Artificial intelligence used to predict life stages and events.
Researchers aiming to forecast a wide range of health and social 'life-events'. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Can this AI Tool Predict Your Death? Maybe, But Don't Panic

A new AI system called life2vec can predict life details such as death, international moves, and personality traits.
The life2vec model was 78% accurate at predicting mortality and 73% accurate at predicting moves out of Denmark. [ more ]
4 months ago

Why you should add predictive modeling to your marketing mix | MarTech

Predictive analytics is a solid foundation for data-driven decision-making in marketing campaigns.
Concerns about data quality and complexity hinder wider adoption of predictive analytics. [ more ]
6 months ago
Business intelligence

Litigation Prediction Platform Pre/Dicta Expands Into New Motion Types and Case Timelines

Pre/Dicta, a litigation analytics platform, is expanding to cover new motion types and predict litigation timelines.
The expansion will provide outcome likelihoods for motion types including summary judgment, venue transfer, class certification, and compel discovery.
Pre/Dicta uses data profiling to model outcomes for specific judges, cases, and courts by finding their doppelgangers. [ more ]
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